Saturday, September 27, 2008

09/27/08 DE Bench

Benches at 185 felt better.  Neck is getting sore...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

09/25/08 - DE Squat

Did box squats and I actually liked them.  Really felt them in my hips and lower back.   Need to go to 10x3 on box squats

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

09/24/08 - ME Bench

Did decline benches to 285.  Felt pretty good.  I especially liked that my arms didn't feel like they like they were going to snap.  Probably just because of the limited amount of reps but I can hope they are getting stronger.  Didn't have as much time for a full workout but will do the rest tomorrow.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wiped Out

Feeling pretty wiped out after w/o.  Definitely  feel like I did a lot of work...

First ME Squat

Pretty good workout. I think I'm going to be hurting from the GoodMornings but that's okay. Haven't done Leg Curls in a very long time, so that will hurt. I feel like I did a lot of work.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Schedule

Saturday - DE Bench
Sunday - ME Squats
Tuesday - ME Bench
Thursday - DE Squats

Friday, September 19, 2008

Prilephin's Table

Never heard of this, but looks pretty interesting.....

PercentReps per SetOptimalTotal Range
70 & below3-62418-30
70-80 3-61812-24
80-89 2-41510-20
90+ 1-274-10

A few links and a complaint

Don't know what the deal is but I have not been able to wake up today. Don't know if I just didn't sleep well last night or if it's because I haven't been eating enough, but today was rough.

I need to get my food figured out for next week over the weekend. Maybe I'll grill a bunch of chicken. I should also find some recipes for beans that I can have with the chicken for lunch. I have cottage cheese for breakfast, so I'm good there.

I also need to consider Chinese and other Asian recipes for lunch. If I could include pasta and more vegetables like cabbage, carrots etc. I'm sure that would be good. Sushi! California Rolls with teriyaki chicken sounds good.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Workout

Found this Think I might give it a try. Last time I tried something similar it didn't really feel like it would improve my lifts but since I've been working out pretty consistently and hitting new PB, I think I can be more patient and really give it a good try. I really like that it has the logs that can be printed off. I just need to read more about what exercises to use.