Wednesday, October 27, 2010

For BP

  1.  6-8 x 5 175 
  2.  6-8 x 5 180 
  3.  6-8 x 5 185 
  4.  6-8 x 5 190      

Phase II

 Technique and power training. 
You will be performing three sets of three reps for the squat and deadlift and five sets of four reps for the bench press. The training weight is 60 percent of your projected maximum and it and it will be con-stant for the next four weeks.
 Maximum strength training. 
You will use 80-95 percent of your calculated maximum for one to two sets of one rep for each exercise. Train maximum strength on only one exercise per day. I used to max out as follows: deadlift on Monday (day 1), bench press on Wednesday (day 2) and squat on Friday (day 3).

Day l

squat: 3x3

bench: 5x4

deadlift: 1-2x1

Day 2

squat: 3x3

bench: 1-2x1

deadlift: 3x3

Day 3

squat: 1-2x1

bench: 5x4

deadlift: 3x3